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Stop saying “should” – use “will” and “must”

    How often do you tell yourself you “should” do something?   I really should save money instead of buy that thing. 💰    I really should get up earlier to get to the gym.  🏋🏼    I really should look after myself better.   Should doesn’t often eventuate because there’s already a lack of commitment in the statement.    How does it feel when you replace “should” with “will” or “must”?   It becomes a thing that you’re…

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Not this, not anymore

    Most of us get to a point where we’re confronted with that awful moment of realisation that we’ve ended up in a bad  spot. 😵‍💫   That moment where you think ohhhhh shit I need to leave this job/relationship/career/home/country or whatever it is.    Or maybe you realise you need to stop thinking or behaving in a certain way, or that the thing you’ve been blamed for IS actually your fault. 🤯   Maybe you find yourself pretending…

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Take responsibility for your actions

  Throughout my career, I’ve met far more people who aren’t willing to take responsibility for what shows up in their life than those who are.   People who love to take a victim stance and blame others for their actions.   One of the biggest lessons in life is that you are always responsible for how you act, no matter how you feel.   Nobody can make you feel anything – people will do what they do, and you have a choice…

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Are you living with integrity?

  I was listening to a podcast recently and the guest speaker said “the things you do when nobody is watching is who you really are – not who you are in front of others”. I agree with the sentiment that it’s the way we are in private that says more about us than who we are in front of others. Do the things you do when you’re alone and nobody is watching, match up to who you say you…

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