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30 day cleanse

Spring is on it’s way – time to cleanse the body!

Woooooooooo hoooooo it’s finally heating up here in Perth, Australia. Spring is on it’s way, and with it the threat of donning a bikini, board shorts or budgie smugglers (if you’re into that kind of thing!). Most of us are guilty of overdoing it on carbs and other hot yummy food over the winter season, and we feel more comfortable getting away with it because who’s going to see our bare flesh anyway?! No more excuses, it’s time to beat…

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Fit To Fat + Back

This week I watched an awesome documentary called Fit To Fat and Back on YouTube. In 2009, former international model and personal trainer – Paul “PJ” James – set out on a life-changing journey of discovery. After running out of ideas trying to motivate one of his obese clients and not being able to understand their struggles, his client said to him “you should try being in my shoes and see how it feels.” PJ decided they were right, and decided…

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