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2016 wrap up

7 Day Of Daily Tips To Kick Off Your 2017 With A Bang

  Recently I did a daily Facebook live video every day for 7 days, sharing a different tip each day focused on how to kick off your 2017 in the best way possible. Check out the videos here 🙂  Tip 1 – get closure on 2016 Tip 2 – set up your day in the right way Tip 3 – wake up earlier Tip 4 – set your goals Tip 5 – do a January detox Tip 6 – drink…

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2016 wrap-up special offer!

  Hey guys! The end of 2016 is fast approaching. What goals did you set for yourself at the start of the year? Did you achieve them? Or did you, like some of my clients, have their worst year in ages? I have a special offer for you over the months of December and January – 2 hours of coaching (or can be split into 2 separate coaching sessions), for only $200 (over 50% discount from my usual price). In…

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