Wake Up To Your LIFE – online program



Wake Up To Your LIFE and Live In Fun + Enjoyment

How to resolve emotional baggage, clear limiting beliefs, change your mindset and manifest the life you REALLY want



An online coaching program that you can go through at your own pace, with personal support via a private Facebook page


Are you feeling stuck?


Do you have a good life, but you just kinda get the feeling that there is more to life?


Do you feel as though you’re not living your full potential?


Do you feel like every day is Groundhog day?


Do you want more fun and enjoyment?


Do you know that you can achieve way beyond what most people settle for?


Do you have big dreams for your life, but also a fear that you will never achieve them?


Do you worry about getting old and having not done everything you want to do with your life?



Sounds like you need to Wake Up To Your LIFE!


I’m ready to wake up, sign me up now!


This program opens your eyes to ways you can positively change your life. The open ended questions make you really think about your answers, you can go at your own pace and have many many “ohh yeess” moments. From finding out what YOU want in relationships, friendships, work and play. I personally have a better perspective of peoples attitudes and energy, and my own, I have found out what I want to achieve in my personal life and career life. Its up to yourself to stick to it, Carly is very proactive in keeping up with where you’re up to. You learn positive tools of affirmations, vision boards and how to clear stuff that holds you back – it’s hard not to want to stick to when it’s so fun and educational.” – Angela T


Bring it on I’m so ready!


Hi, I’m Carly Evans, aka Coach Carly and creator of the Wake Up To Your LIFE program. I created this program because once I was fully immersed in the world of self-improvement, I reflected on how I used to feel – like there was just more to life than finishing school, going to university, getting a good job, getting a relationship, buying a house, having kids etc… I just thought well yeah, I want those things – but there has to be more to life than this? So I created a program for you, out of a combination of some of the things that have really helped me, and my clients.


When I started waking up to my own life, I found myself getting frustrated that these simple ideas and tools aren’t taught to everyone at school. Everyone should know this stuff! I felt like other people around me were asleep and I wanted to wake everyone up!


Most people think life just happens to them. This program will show you the truth – that you are in FULL CONTROL of your life.



“Just thought I would drop you a line to thank you& your programme for completely changing my life of course not forgetting the wonder that is universal energy that has given me an all mighty spiritual kick up the arris…I am a new woman…loosing weight, given up the fags, complete over-haul of my flat, started Reiki again after a year & self heal everyday, & will now start sharing it with others… I meditate,  & affirm everyday the list goes on….I had let go of so much emotional baggage that has held me back for so long & I feel amazing & soooo excited at what the future holds the skies the limit!!!…I actually do a happy dance down the street & at bus stops can’t help myself & you know what I really don’t care if anyone is watching cos I just wish they could feel like I do!! Anywho just want to say a very very big thank you hun for showing me the way..You are amazeballs!!” – Tina, UK


You will learn tools and techniques in this program to help you get control back so you feel empowered, motivated and ready to create the life you REALLY want!


Woo hoo sign me up!


What you get:


– lifetime access to this nine-module program

– audio and PDF modules, including a life review, clearing past emotional baggage, decluttering your limiting beliefs, realising your life purpose, and learning how to manifest like a mo fo

– become part of a community of like-minded peeps who will share your journey and support you along the way (private Facebook group)

– regular support and access to me, Coach Carly, via the private Facebook group

– a free guided visualisation on the law of detachment

– a free copy of my e book on the universal laws – “The Secrets Behind The Secret – The Missing Keys To Manifesting”


Beam me up Scotty I defo want to join this awesome community of peeps waking up!


I look forward to connecting with you and supporting you to wake up to your life!


Catcha on the flip side




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